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Postoperative refractive value changes in patients with posterior capsule damage treated with intraocular lens optic capture fixation Akira Hokkoku 1,2,3 , Norihito Doi 2,3 , Misaki Ichiki 2,3 , Taiji Sakamoto 3 1Department of Opthalmology, Tarumizu Central Hospital 2Imamura General Hospital 3Department of Opthalmology, Kagoshima University pp.729-733
Published Date 2024/6/15
DOI https://doi.org/10.11477/mf.1410215198
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Abstract Purpose:To investigate the postoperative refractive changes in patients who underwent intraocular lens(IOL)optic capture fixation for posterior capsular breakage.

Cases and Methods:Of cataract surgery patients who had undergone cataract surgery at Imamura General Hospital in the past 55 months, 45 eyes were included in this study because it was considered difficult to fix the intraocular lens in the bag due to damage to the posterior capsule. We investigated the difference in postoperative refraction values(postoperative weeks 1, 4, 12, 24, and 48)from the preoperative target values in these patients. Exclusion criteria comprised cases with fragile tingles, incomplete optic capture fixation, and revision surgery. The IOL used in all cases were three-piece acrylic lenses:NX-60(Santen).

Results:The difference between the target refraction value and the postoperative refraction value was +0.28±1.18D at one week after surgery, +0.24±0.86D at four weeks after surgery, +0.09±0.80D at 12 weeks after surgery, +0.15±0.69D at 24 weeks after surgery, and +0.06±0.66D at 48 weeks after surgery.

Conclusion:With the optical capture fixation method using NX-60, there was a slight tendency for hyperopia immediately after surgery, but the target value was approached 48 weeks after surgery.

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電子版ISSN 1882-1308 印刷版ISSN 0370-5579 医学書院


