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要約 目的:梅毒性ぶどう膜炎の診断に伴い,活動性梅毒が見つかる場合がある。群馬大学医学部附属病院(当院)では,2019年以降感染制御部および検査部と眼部梅毒診療に関する院内連携を開始し,梅毒の診断後に必要な事項をバンドル化したのでその内容を示す。また,バンドルに沿い過去の症例を後ろ向きに検討する。
Abstract Purpose:Active syphilis may be detected after the diagnosis of syphilitic uveitis. In our hospital, we have started referring patients with ocular syphilis to the institutional Infection Control and Prevention Center and Department of Clinical Laboratory since 2019, and have developed an information bundle on the steps to be taken after the diagnosis of syphilis, the contents of which are presented here. In addition, we have retrospectively reviewed our approaches described in the bundle.
Methods:Eight patients diagnosed with syphilitic uveitis between January 2019 and April 2022 at the Department of Ophthalmology, Gunma University Hospital, were included in this study. We retrospectively reviewed their clinical information using medical records.
Results:Through the syphilis treatment bundle, we established a system to confirm the following seven points through intra-hospital referrals:proof of activity by serological reaction, proof of pathogens, screening of lesions other than ocular lesions, HIV screening, detection of neurosyphilis, submission of a report to the Public Health Center for this Category 5 infectious disease, and consultation with experts about treatment strategy. We studied the cases of six men and two women(median age, 51 years;range, 29-73 years). Seven of the eight patients had active syphilis, and five of them underwent a polymerase chain reaction test using aqueous humor. Five patients consulted dermatologists, and one had a history of cutaneous lesions. Two patients were confirmed to be HIV-positive and were referred to the Hematology Department. All patients were examined for lumbar puncture, and four were diagnosed as neurosyphilis. All patients with active syphilis were notified of the diagnosis within 7 days and were treated with benzylpenicillin potassium infusion or oral amoxicillin. Latent syphilis was treated only with eyedrops.
Conclusion:With the cooperation of laboratory specialists and infectious disease specialists, we could accurately diagnose and appropriately treat syphilitic uveitis.

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