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要約 目的:前眼部光干渉断層計(OCT)で経過を追うことができた白内障術後に緩徐に進行した悪性緑内障1例の報告。
症例:86歳の女性。両眼に閉塞隅角緑内障の既往があり,近医で点眼加療されていた。白内障手術目的で神戸市立西神戸医療センター眼科を紹介され受診した。初診時眼圧は右18mmHg,左12mmHgで,両眼ともにVan Herick法でPAC/CT=1/5の狭隅角を認めた。両眼白内障手術を施行し,浅前房と狭隅角は改善した。保存的加療で経過は落ち着いているため,近医へ紹介となった。手術から約3年後に左眼圧は上昇しはじめ,25〜30mmHg程度の高眼圧が持続するため,当科へ再紹介となった。当科終診時と比較して左浅前房,隅角閉塞の進行を認めた。保存的に経過観察していたが,状態は徐々に悪化したため,左瞳孔ブロックの関与を疑い,左周辺部虹彩切除術を施行した。その後も眼圧は上昇を認め,浅前房と狭隅角が進行したことから,左悪性緑内障の診断に至り,前部硝子体切除術と後囊切開の拡大を施行した。術後眼圧は左11mmHgまで低下し,右眼に比較すると浅前房であるが,術前より改善を得て合併症なく経過している。
Abstract Purpose:To report a case of slowly progressive aqueous misdirection in one eye after cataract surgery.
Case:The patient was an 86-year-old woman. She had a history of angle closure glaucoma in both eyes. She was referred to our department for cataract surgery. At the time of initial examination, the IOP was 18 mmHg in the right eye, 12 mmHg in the left eye, and both eyes had narrow corner angles with PAC/CT=1/5. Cataract surgery was performed in both eyes. The shallow anterior chamber and narrow corner angles improved after the surgery. She was referred to a local doctor because her progress was stable. About 3 years after the surgery, the left IOP increased, and she was referred back to our department for persistent high IOP. The left shallow anterior chamber and the corner angle occlusion were becoming worse. The patient was followed up conservatively, but her condition gradually worsened. A left peripheral iridectomy was performed, but the IOP continued to increase. An anterior vitrectomy was performed owing to a diagnosis of malignant glaucoma. The postoperative IOP decreased to 11 mmHg in the left eye, and the patient has been doing well, without any complications.
Conclusion:Evaluation of the anterior anatomy by anterior segment OCT was useful in determining the treatment strategy for malignant glaucoma.

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