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OCT findings of acute CRAO Eri Mori 1 , Yoshikazu Ichikawa 1 , Mai Nishio 1 , Taichi Fujimoto 1 , Yuko Komiya 1 , Yutaka Imamura 1 1Department of Ophthalmology, Teikyo University School of Medicine University Hospital Mizonokuchi pp.445-450
Published Date 2023/4/15
DOI https://doi.org/10.11477/mf.1410214760
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Abstract Purpose:Pathologic findings of enucleated eyes with central retinal artery occlusion(CRAO)show edema of the inner retinal layer and thinning of the inner nuclear layer(INL). In this study, we investigated changes in retinal structure using optical coherence tomography(OCT)at different onset times in patients with acute CRAO.

Patients:Nine eyes of nine patients diagnosed with acute CRAO, which included five females with average age of 71.2 years and symptom onsets of 5 minutes to 72 hours)Observations:The central foveal thickness(CFT), the retinal thickness at 500 μm above, below, nasally, and temporally from the fovea, and the INL thickness at four directions were measured using Spectralis, and the average values of the affected eyes were compared with those of the contralateral eye in each patients.

Results:Hyperreflectivity of the inner retina was confirmed in all cases. There was no significant difference in CFT between the affected and contralateral eyes. The retinal thickness 500 μm from the fovea increased was significantly thicker than that of the contralateral eye in all the cases(406 μm vs 230 μm, t test p=0.017). The mean value of the INL was significantly thinner than that of the contralateral eye(14.9 μm vs 33.1 μm, p=0.003).

Conclusion:In acute CRAO, hyperreflectivity and edema in the inner retinal layer are observed first, and subsequently thinning of the INL appeared. INL thinning is an important biomarker of inner retinal ischemia in acute CRAO.

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電子版ISSN 1882-1308 印刷版ISSN 0370-5579 医学書院


