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要約 背景:閉塞性網膜血管炎は,ぶどう膜炎や脈絡膜炎などの眼炎症疾患以外にも全身の炎症性疾患や感染などの関与を想定し全身精査を行うことが重要であると示唆されているが,悪性疾患による閉塞性網膜血管炎の報告は稀である。今回,両眼の閉塞性網膜血管炎を契機に悪性リンパ腫と診断され,急な転帰をたどった症例を経験したので報告する。
Abstract Background:In addition to ocular inflammatory diseases such as uveitis and choroiditis, systemic diseases, such as inflammatory diseases and infections may be involved in the development of retinal vasculitis;thus, performing a systemic examination is important. Retinal vasculitis caused by malignant diseases has been reported, but its incidence is rare. We experienced a case of malignant lymphoma diagnosed as a result of occlusive retinal vasculitis in both eyes, and the patient underwent a rapid transformation.
Case:The patient was a 65-year-old man who visited the previous doctor with complaints of photophobia in both eyes for several days. He was referred to our hospital with a diagnosis of branch retinal artery occlusion in both eyes. At the time of the visit, his best corrected visual acuity was 0.8 in the right eye and 1.2 in the left eye. Optical coherence tomography(OCT)showed edema in the inner retinal layer, and fluorescence fundus angiography showed multiple occlusive retinal vasculitis in the periphery of both eyes. At the same time, the patient experienced testicular pain, urinary retention, and plantar numbness, and was admitted for systemic examination to rule out the possibility of malignant disease. A computed tomography(CT)scan revealed enlarged lymph nodes, and a biopsy revealed diffuse large B-cell lymphoma, for which chemotherapy(R-CHOP therapy/methotrexate high-dose intrathecal injection)was initiated. During the treatment, the patient developed tetraplegia and slow breathing, and a head MRI showed multiple small infarcts in the cerebellum, parietal lobe, and medulla oblongata. A bedside fundus examination on the 9th day of hospitalization showed improvement of retinal edema, but on the 14th day of hospitalization, soft white spots appeared on the right fundus. The patient's level of consciousness decreased on the 15th day of hospitalization and he died on the 16th day.
Conclusion:In this case, early systemic examination was performed suspecting the involvement of systemic diseases in addition to ocular inflammatory diseases, which led to the diagnosis of malignant lymphoma. Although the disease was life-threatening and the patient died from malignant lymphoma, it suggests the importance of early systemic examination considering the possibility of systemic malignant diseases when occlusive retinal vasculitis is observed in both eyes.

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