

書誌情報 詳細検索 by 医中誌


Epiretinal membrane surgery combined with cataract surgery implanted with LS-313 MF15 intraocular lens Ippei Takasu 1 , Takami Takasu 1 , Kento Kaibara 1 , Noriko Hoshihara 1 1Takasu Eye Clinic pp.1404-1409
Published Date 2021/10/15
DOI https://doi.org/10.11477/mf.1410214133
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Abstract Purpose:To report the outcomes of epiretinal membrane(ERM)surgery combined with cataract surgery implanted with LS-313 MF15(LENTISTM Comfort, Oculentis Inc.)intraocular lens(IOL).

Methods:Twenty-two eyes of 20 patients who had an idiopathic ERM and a cataract consecutively underwent vitrectomies combined with cataract surgery implanted with IOL. All of these eyes had no ocular disorder without cataract, refractive errors and ERM before surgery. There was no intraoperative complication. Before surgery and 1 month after surgery, uncorrected and corrected visual acuity at 5 meter, 1 meter and 40 centimeter was measured on the basis of subjective refractive values. Central macular thickness(CMT)and metamorphopsia test of M-CHARTSTM were also evaluated at the same time.

Results:ERM and internal limiting membrane peeling were performed in the intentional range of those membranes after the IOL implantation. Before surgery, uncorrected visual acuity(best corrected visual acuity)was 0.67±0.49(0.10±0.15)at 5 meter, 0.48±0.34(0.10±0.10)at 1 meter and 0.51±0.22(0.15±0.14)at 40 cm. At 1 month after the surgery, visual acuity significantly improved to 0.15±0.20(0.00±0.08)at 5 meter, 0.08±0.13(0.03±0.06)at 1 meter. Near visual acuity became 0.24±0.15(0.12±0.16). CMT and the results of M-CHARTS were not significantly reduced at 1 month after the surgery.

Conclusion:The visibility during ERM surgery after implanting LS-313 MF15 IOL was good enough to peel the membranes. Distant and intermediate visual acuities were significantly improved 1 month after the surgery.

Copyright © 2021, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 1882-1308 印刷版ISSN 0370-5579 医学書院


