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要約 目的:ゴルフボールによる眼外傷は眼球破裂に至り視機能予後が不良とする報告が多い。今回,ゴルフボールによる眼球破裂例に対して硝子体手術を施行し,比較的良好な経過をたどった1症例を経験した。
Abstract Purpose:Many reports have stated that the prognosis of visual function is poor in eye trauma caused by being hit with a golf ball. In this study, we report a case of a ruptured eyeball caused by being hit with a golf ball, which had a relatively good outcome post vitrectomy.
Case:A 53-year-old man presented at our hospital with the complaint of decreased visual acuity(VA)in his left eye after being hit in that eye with a golf ball at close range. Examination of his left eye revealed eyelid swelling, subconjunctival hemorrhage, and anterior chamber hemorrhage, and no fundus was visible. B-mode ultrasound examination revealed vitreous hemorrhage, and vitrectomy was performed due to the high possibility of ocular rupture. After lavage of the anterior chamber, lens subluxation was observed. The area of suspected eye-ball rupture was covered with the Tenon's capsule. The fundus showed retinal necrosis and detachment, and post vitrectomy, pneumatic retinal reattachment, endophotocoagulation, and silicone oil tamponade were performed. The patient's VA recovered to(0.2)after removal of silicone oil, ciliary sulcus suturing of the intraocular lens, and pupilloplasty.
Conclusion:In this case, the ruptured part of the eye ball was covered with Tenon's capsule, and the visual prognosis was relatively good due to a little intraocular tissue prolapse.

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