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要約 目的:今日,中高年の長期ひきこもりが社会問題となっている。今回重篤な増殖糖尿病網膜症(PDR)の40歳台のひきこもり男性2例を経験したので報告する。
Abstract Purpose:In recent times social withdrawal(Hikikomori)in middle and old age has become a social problem. We here report 2 cases of Hikikomori of individuals in their forties with severe proliferative diabetic retinopathy(PDR).
Cases:Both cases were hospitalized for cryptogenic renal failure which renal biopsy revealed to be due to diabetes. Hemodialysis was started. One eye of each case of which vision was hand motion because of severe vitreous hemorrhage(VH)was vitrectomized. Another eye of which the decimal vision was 0.4 in case 1 and 1.0 in case 2 was panretinally photocoagulated. This eye in case 1 underwent vitrectomy 2 months later for VH. The vision was 0.1.
Results:The final vision of one eye which had been vitrectomized was hand motion or light perception. case 2 underwent two operations. During the vitrectomy of the one eye of case 1, the patient became delirious and the operation was suspended. Although the vision improved to 0.3, a second operation under general anesthesia was planned. The patient developed cardiopulmonary arrest at home because of hyperpotassemia before the planned surgery. The other eye of case 1 maintained vision of 0.8.
Conclusion:Systemic diseases such as diabetes in some cases of Hikikomori in middle and old age are neglected and not treated until they become very severe. General anesthesia should be considered for treating refractory eyes if the patient is suspected to be cognitively too weak for long-duration surgery.

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