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要約 目的:眼窩内骨膜下血腫は比較的稀な疾患であり,重篤な場合に視力低下をきたすことがある。手術により視力改善が得られた症例について報告する。
Abstract Purpose:Intraorbital subperiosteal hematoma is a relatively rare disorder that can cause vision loss in severe cases. We report a case in which visual acuity improved by surgery.
Case:A 17-year-old man was injured in the left orbit due to a brother fight. Left eye visual acuity 1.2 at the first visit and left intraocular pressure 47 mmHg were high. The drug treatment reduced the left intraocular pressure to 28 mmHg the next day, but the left intraorbital subperiosteal hematoma increased 4 days later, and the left eye vision decreased to 0.01. The patient was diagnosed with oppressive optic neuropathy due to intraorbital subperiosteal hematoma, and underwent intraorbital hematoma washing drainage. One day after surgery, left eye vision improved to 0.1. Three days after the surgery, left eye vision was further improved to 0.7, and head CT showed a marked improvement in intraorbital subperiosteal blood.
Conclusion:Treatment can be open or conservative, but if the irreversible circulatory disorder occurs in the retina or optic nerve, the prognosis for vision may be poor even after removal of the hematoma. Therefore, if intraorbital subperiosteal hematoma is observed, do not miss the timing of performing open treatment by carefully examining visual acuity and fundus examination and evaluating the size of hematoma with head CT and head MRI.
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