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要約 目的:25年間以上にわたり眼瞼下垂と著明な外斜視を放置してきた眼筋型重症筋無力症(眼筋型MG)に対し,治療が著効した症例の報告。
Abstract Purpose:To report a case of ocular myasthenia gravis who had received no treatment for 25 years and who then showed remarkable response to treatment.
Case:A 55-year-old female presented with right blepharoptosis since the age of 30 years.
Findings and Clinical Course:She showed exotropia and limited eye movements. Blepharoptosis became more manifest during fatigue. She was positive for tensilon test and anti-acetylcholine receptor antibody, and was diagnosed with ocular myasthenia gravis. The ocular manifestations remarkably improved following prednisolone and cholinesterase inhibitor. Prednisolone was tapered after introduction of tacrolimus. Finally, both prednisolone and cholinesterase inhibitor could be withdrawn without ill consequences.
Conclusion:This case illustrates that medical treatment may prove very successful for ocular myasthenia gravis after long period without medication.

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