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Multi-institutional phase 3 clinical study of 0.15% unoprostone(UF-021)for retinitis pigmentosa Shuichi Yamamoto 1 , Yozo Miyake 2 1Department of Ophthalmology, Chiba University Graduate School of Medicine 2Aichi Medical University pp.891-898
Published Date 2016/6/15
DOI https://doi.org/10.11477/mf.1410211841
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Abstract Purpose: To report the outcome of multi-institutional phase 3 clinical study of 0.15% unoprostone(UF-021)for retinitis pigmentosa(RP).

Cases and Method: This prospective study was made on 199 RP patients in 38 institutions. Ophthalmic solution of 0.15% UF-021 was instilled twice daily for 52 weeks in 100 patients. Another group of 99 patients received placebo to be instilled twice daily for 52 weeks. Participants were evaluated regarding retinal sensitivity at the central 4 points of Humphrey Field Analyzer(HFA)10-2 as the primary endpoint. Major secondary endpoints were ETDRS visual acuity and VFQ-25. Subanalysis was made by setting cutoff of MD value of −15 dB in HFA10-2.

Results: Patients treated by UF-021 showed no difference in retinal sensitivity after 52 weeks when compared with the placebo group. Patients treated by UF-021 showed significant improvement in VFQ-25 score when compared with the placebo group. Patients treated by UF-021 showed significant improvement of primary endpoint when they had initial MD value of −15 dB or over.

Conclusion: Instillation of UF-021 for 52 weeks showed no difference in retinal sensitivity from placebo group. There were findings suggestive of therapeutic effectiveness in PR patients with initial MD value of −15 dB or over.

Copyright © 2016, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 1882-1308 印刷版ISSN 0370-5579 医学書院


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