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要約 目的:軽度近視眼の乳頭周囲の萎縮部にpitがあり,広範囲のintrachoroidal cavitationを示した1症例の報告。症例:75歳女性が左眼の脈絡膜腫瘍の疑いで受診した。左眼の緑内障に対して点眼加療中であり,1年前に左眼の白内障手術を受けた。手術前には左眼に−2Dの近視があった。所見:矯正視力は右1.5,左1.0,眼圧は10mmHg,左7mmHg,眼軸長は右22.81mm,左24.54mmであった。左眼の乳頭周囲の萎縮部内にpitと,その周囲に橙黄色の三日月形の病変があり,これらを囲んで7×3乳頭径題の扁平な暗黄色の病巣があった。光干渉断層計で,このpitに隣接する深層にintrachoroidal cavitationがあった。脈絡膜腫瘍を示す所見はなかった。結論:Pitに伴う橙黄色の病巣では,intrachoroidal cavitationが関与している場合がある。
Abstract. Purpose:To report a case of large intrachoroidal cavitation associated with pit in the peripapillary atrophic area. Case:A 75-year-old female was referred to us for suspected choroidal tumor. She had received cataract surgery in the left eye one year before. Her left eye had had myopia by −2 diopters prior to surgery. Findings:Corrected visual acuity was 1.5 right and 1.0 left. The axial length was 22.81 mm right and 24.54 mm left. The left eye showed a pit in the peripapillary atrophic area. An orange-colored patch was present in the vicinity of the pit. A flat, dark yellow area was present surrounding the pit. Its size was 3 by 7 disc diameters. Optical coherence tomography showed intrachoroidal cavitation in the vicinity of the pit. Conclusion:This case illustrates that intrachoroidal cavitation may be present in the vicinity of peripapillary choroidal pit.

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