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要約 目的:未治療の重症糖尿病網膜症の臨床像と手術成績の報告。対象と方法:過去21か月間に糖尿病網膜症に対する硝子体手術を行い,6か月以上の経過を追えた26例35眼を対象とした。男性26眼,女性9眼で,年齢は23〜70歳,平均43歳である。全例がそれまで糖尿病の治療を受けておらず,当科受診後に糖尿病の治療を開始した。結果:全例が2型糖尿病で,70%の症例が10%以上のHbA1c値を示した。46%の症例に顕性腎症があった。視力は指数弁以下が13眼(37%),0.1未満が10眼(29%)であり,硝子体出血が2眼(6%),牽引性網膜剝離が21眼(60%),血管新生緑内障が2眼(6%)であった。術後の最終視力は,改善69%,不変17%,悪化14%であった。術後視力に影響する因子は,術前視力,牽引性網膜剝離,初診時のHbA1c,腎症の病期,初診から手術までの日数,HbA1cの改善値であった。結論:未治療の重症糖尿病網膜症であっても,迅速に血糖をコントロールし,早期の硝子体手術を行うことで,視力が改善または維持する可能性がある。
Abstract. Purpose:To report the clinical features and surgical outcome of severe diabetic retinopathy without prior treatment. Cases and Method:This study was made on 35 eyes of 26 patients who underwent vitreous surgery during the past 21 months. The series comprised 26 male and 9 female eyes. The age ranged from 23 to 70 years, average 43 years. All the cases had received no medical treatment before visiting us. Cases were followed up for 6 months or longer after surgery. Results:All the cases had type 2 diabetes mellitus. Value of HbA1c was 10% or over in 70% of cases. Manifest nephropathy was present in 46% of cases. Visual acuity was light perception or less in 13 eyes(37%), and 0.1 or less in 10 eyes(29%). Vitreous hemorrhage was present in 2 eyes(6%), tractional retinal detachment in 21 eyes(60%), and neovascular glaucoma in 2 eyes(6%). Final visual acuity improved in 69%, remained unchanged in 17%, and deteriorated in 14%. Following factors influenced the visual outcome:initial visual acuity, retinal detachment, initial value of HbA1c, stage of nephropathy, interval between initial visit and surgery. Conclusion:These cases illustrate that early surgery and control of diabetes and surgery may result in improved or sustained visual acuity in severe diabetic retinopathy.

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