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これらは全例に乳頭上の白色組織が認められ,また乳頭耳側縁のmacular yellow pigmentや放射状の網膜襞など,乳頭周囲の網膜が乳頭部にむかって牽引されていると思われる所見が観察された。これは朝顔症候群にも認められる所見であるが,今回のような乳頭領域に陥凹のない症例でも起こり得ることが判明した。したがってこれらの網膜の牽引の発生機転としては,陥凹が原因であるとするよりは,むしろ乳頭上に見られる白色増殖組織の関与が強いことが示唆された。
We observed 4 eyes, 4 cases, with unique features of congenital optic disc anomaly. The clinical find-ings simulated those of morning glory syndrome without excavation of the peripapillary area. All the cases manifested white mass on the optic disc. We observed annular elevation around the optic disc and straightened course of retinal vessels in most cases. In one case with bilateral anomalies, one eye showed typical features of morning glory syndrome with deep excavation, while the fellow eye lacked excavation by stereoscopic funduscopy and echography. These findings seemed to show that the present cases do fall into the category of morning glory syndrome.
Extopia of the macula towards disc, a finding commonly observed in morning glory syndrome, was present in all the cases. The ectopia of the macula and the straightening of the retinal vessels in the present cases seemed to be due to traction by the proliferative tissue on the optic disc.
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