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Optic disc pitによる黄斑部網膜剥離(MRD)の発症に硝子体が関与するか臨床的に検討した。対象はoptic disc pitの患者13例14眼で,このうち10眼に典型的なMRDを認めた。細隙灯と前置レンズによる動態硝子体観察法により次の結果を得た。
1) MRDのある5眼にpitの縁に付着し濃縮したplicated membraneをもつ異常なCloquet管を認めた。
2) MRDのある1眼にpitに牽引のある漏斗状のPVDを認めた。
We evaluated a series of 14 eyes, 13 patients, with pit in the optic disc. We used kinetic vitreous biomicroscopy with a preset lens attached to photoslit lamp. Secondary macular detachment was present in 10 eyes. In 5 of these 10 eyes, the canal of Cloquet showed characteristic features, showing condensed plicated membranes and abnormal inser-tion of the canal around the site of the pit in the optic disc. In one eye with macular detachment, a funnel-shaped posterior vitreous detachment was present with the residual vitreal adhesion to the pit. The other 4 eyes with macular detachment and 4 eyes without showed normal appearance of the vitreous except for occasional liquefaction of the gel.
The findings seemed to suggest that vitreous traction to the vitreous-pit adhesion plays a role in the development of macular detachment secondary to pit in the optic disc.

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