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A 27-year-old female was diagnosed as uni-lateral deuteranopia in her right eye. With her cooperation, we tried to translate the color percep-tion by bilateral deuteranopes into the hue vocabu-lary of the normal. The results were compared with those of a 25-year-old male who was bilateral deuteranope and was a post-graduate majoring in color psychology.
In deuteranopia, sensation of purple-blue and green is totally absent. A component, different from yellow, exists over the range which is per-ceived as red by normals. This component varies as a function of wavelength.
Deuteranopes learn, on the other hand, to match their sensation of desaturated blue or yellow withgreen of the normal by training. They thus succeed to call these colors as green almost correctly. Although they cannot discriminate accurately the spectral locus between yellowish green and red, the red component increases with wavelength depen-dence in the long spectral wave range. It is there-fore clear that this locas is not isochromatic for dichromats.
The theory that dichromats have only two color perceptions, blue and yellow, does not seem correct. Color perception and the ability of color discrimina-tion should be strictly distinguished, particularly for color-defective subjects. The latter ability also improves with advance of age.
Rinsho Ganka (Jpn J Clin Ophthalmol) 41(19) : 1183-1186,1987

Copyright © 1987, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.