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結膜,上強膜血管の怒張,蛇行による眼充血を主訴として来院した非典型的内頸動脈海綿静脈洞瘻(atypical CCF)の5症例にトノグラフィー検査を施行し,全例で健眼に比して患眼に著明な脈波の増大が認められた.
We evaluated 5 cases, 6 eyes, of atypical carotid cavernous sinus fistula (CCF) . Red eye was the solecomplaint in all the cases due to dilated episcleral and conjunctival vessels. The cases manifested pulsating mild exophthalmus without bruit. In-creased intraocular pressure was a unique finding. In all the affected eyes, an increased swing ampli-tude of Schioetz reading was observed when compared with the fellow eye. In 2 out of the 6 cases, direct or dural CCF was confirmed by selec-tive carotid angiography.
Our findings suggest that tonography is a simple, harmless and useful method of examination for atypical CCF.

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