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眼精疲労者(14名27眼)および正常有志者(11名22眼)を対象に,β遮断剤の調節機能への影響を検討した.Befunolol hydrochloride(以下BFE)の0.25%,0.2%,0.15%および0.1%の各濃度を使用して,点眼前および点眼後30分に微動調節,眼圧を測定し,次の結果を得た.(1)眼精疲労群の微動調節は,0.15%,0.1%のBFE点眼に比べ,0.2%,0.25%の点眼で有意に改善した.(2)正常者群では,使用したいずれの濃度でも微動調節は反応しなかった.(3)両群とも,BFE点眼前後に眼圧の変化を認めなかった.(4)初圧は正常者群よりも眼精疲労群の方が有意に高かった.
The effect of different concentrations of befunolol ophthalmic solution was evaluated on the accom-modative function in asthenopia. The study involved 27 eyes of 14 patients with asthenopia and 22 eyes of normal volunteers. 'Floating' accommodation and intraocular pressure were measured before and 30 minutes after instillation of 0.25%, 0.2%, 0.15% or 0.1% of befunolol.
In asthenopic subjects, floating accommodation sig-nificantly improved after instillation of 0.25% and 0.2% befunolol when compared 0.15% and 0.1% solutions (p<0.05).
No changes in floating accommodation were induced by befunolol of different concentration in nor-mal volunteers. The instillation failed to induce changes in intraocular pressure both in asthenopic and normal subjects. Baseline intraocular pressure was significantly higher in asthenopic subjects (16.6+5.7 mmHg) than in normal subjects (12.6-2.5 mmHg).
The findings indicate that topical befunolol improves accommodative function in subjects with asthenopia. The improvement in floating accommodation seemed to be related to initial intraocular pressure level.
Rinsho Ganka (Jpn J Clin Ophthalmol) 40(2) : 119-123, 1986

Copyright © 1986, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.