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黄斑裂孔網膜剥離に対して,SF6ガスの硝子体腔内への注入のみによる治療を行った.対象は9例10眼で,増殖性硝子体綱膜症や硝子体牽引のない例に限った.100%のSF6ガスを毛様体扁平部より約0.75ml注入し,眼圧上昇例には前房穿刺にて眼圧を低下させ,術後face down posi-tionをとらせた.10眼中8眼が復位したが,1眼は6カ月後に再剥離し,再度のガス注入にて復位した.復位しなかった2眼のうち1眼は黄斑バックル,1眼は硝子体切除と空気タンポナーデおよび眼内レーザー光凝固にて手術を行い,最終的には全例の復位に成功した.
We treated 10 consecutive eyes with rhegmatogenous retinal detachment due to macular hole by injectingsulfer hexafluoride gas (SF6) into the vitreous. All the eyes were free of proliferative vitreoretinopathy or vitreous traction to the macula at the time of surgery.
As a standard procedure, 0.75 ml of pure SF6 gas was injected through the pars plana into the vitreous cavity. Occasionally, the anterior chamber was tapped to relieve ocular hypertension. The patient was kept in face-down position during the postoperative period.
The retina was reattached in 8 eyes. Retinal detach-ment recurred in one of these 8 eyes 6 months later. It was brought to cure by another procedure with intravitreal gas. The other 2 eyes were successfully treated either by submacular sclera] buckling or combi-nation of vitrectomy, endolaser and intravitreal air tamponade.
Intravitreal gas injection without vitrectomy is a simple procedure and is free of serious complications. This procedure seems to be the treatment of choice for retinal detachment due to macular hole.
Rinsho Ganka (Jpn J Clin Ophthalmol) 40(2) : 107-111, 1986

Copyright © 1986, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.