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A 21-year-old female presented with severe men-tal retardation, epilepsy and adenoma sebaceum with impaired visual acuity and afferent pupillary defect in her right eye. The right fundus showed juxtapa-pillary hemartoma of endophytic type associated with localized exudative retinal detachment extend-ing to involve the macula. A circinate retinal lesion surrounded the hamartoma and the retinal detach-ment. A fine capillary network was seen in the hamartomatous area. Four months later, we detect-ed subhyaloid and intravitreal hemorrhage conse-quent to posterior vitreous detachment in the affect-ed eye.
The present case illustrates that the retinal hamartoma of endophytic type in tuberous sclerosis may induce vitreoretinal adhesion and later poste-rior vitreous detachment with grave visual con-sequences.

Copyright © 1985, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.