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過去に久留米大学眼科を受診した患者のうち,Krill and Deutmanが記重成した急性網膜色素上皮炎の臨床所見および螢光眼底所見の特微を有する14例について検討し,以下の成積ならびに結論を得た。
以上より本病は上記の臨床的特徴を示す一つのclinical entityであり,わが国でも決してまれな疾患ではなく,本病には円盤状黄斑部網膜剥離を伴わぬ軽症例とこれを伴う重症例とがあり,とくに後者は特発性中心性脈絡網膜症と区別すべきであることが結論される。
We evaluated 14 cases with acute retinal pigment epitheliitis (Krill and Deutman, 1972). There was a preponderance of males (10 cases) over females (4 cases). The ages of the patients ranged from 23 to 63 years and averaged 48 years. The condition was unilateral in all but two cases. Both eyes were in-volved at the same frequency. Chief subjective complaints were slightly blurred vision or central/ paracentral scotoma. Visual acuity at the initial examination was 0.7 or over in 87% of the 16 affected eyes. Eight out of 10 eyes attained sponta-neous cure within one to 3 months after appearance of the lesion.

Copyright © 1980, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.