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緒 言
恙虫病(tsutsugamushi disease)は,眼科領域の感染症の中でもやや特殊な類に属し,結膜充血,虹彩炎等の前眼部病変と,乳頭浮腫,網膜浮腫,軟性白斑等の眼底変化が起こるとされている10〜14,16,17)。本邦では眼科領域からの報告は非常に少なく,しかも前眼部病変のみであり,眼底変化の報告は著者の調べた限りではない。
A 51-year-old female developed acute fundus lesions as a manifestation of tsutsugamushi disease. The disease was initiated by pain and swelling of the inguinal lymph nodes accompanied by fever. Visual disturbance with central scotoma developed in the right eye on the 4th day of the disease and in the left eye on the 6th day. Funduscopy revealed optic neuritis, engorgement of veins, retinal edema, retinal hemorrhage, soft exudates and vitreous hemorrhage in both eyes.

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