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緒 言
遺伝性視神経萎縮症の分類はKjer1)の総括したものが一般に認められており,このうち幼小児期に徐々に発症し,極端な視力障害は起こさず,乳頭耳側蒼白,周辺視野正常,中心暗点,第三色覚異常等,特徴的所見を呈するとされる優性遺伝性若年性視神経萎縮症(Dominant Inherited Juve-nile Optic Atrophy)は,Kjer自身も19家系(約200例)について報告し,Smith2)はこれまで各国で報告された数百例について,詳細に総説し診断基準を示した。しかし個々の臨床データの検討に関しては,報告内容,数ともに十分なものとはいえず,なお症例集積の段階の様である。
Two new pedigrees (6 cases) of dominant in-herited juvenile atrophy (DIJOA) with detailed results of clinical examinations are described. The review of family study indicated 12 cases of DIJOA. Corrected visual acuity was more than 6/60. The result was consistent with the criteria by Smith except for the color tests. Specific dy-schromatopsia was not detected by pseudoisoch-romatic plates. Typical tritan dyschromatopsia was not confirmed by the sorting tests. The con-fusion axis of the 100 hue tests indicated frequ-ently tritan or tetartan as well as red-green de-fects.

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