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Three male siblings, aged 19, 16 and 13 years, and their father, 49 years in age, manifested dominantly inherited juvenile optic atrophy. All the cases showed common clinical features of slightly to markedly reduced visual acuity, temporal disc pallor, defective color vision, central visual field abnormalities and reduced critical flicker fusion frequency.
A Type III blue-yellow color defect was found in all the cases with Standard Pseudoisochromatic Plates Part 2, Panel D-15 test, FM 100-hue test and New Color Test. Red-green discrimination was also affected in two severe cases. The degree of color defect was correlated with the visual acuity which ranged from 0.1 to 0.6. Fluorescein angiography was performed in 3 cases. A significantly prolonged arm-to-retina circulation time was noted in 2 cases. The angioarchitecture of the retina and the choroid appeared to be normal.
Rinsho Ganka (Jpn J Clin Ophthalmol) 40(8) : 909-915. 1986

Copyright © 1986, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.