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緒 言
硝子体と網膜が関連して起る疾患をHyaloido-retinal degenerationと呼称したのは,Wagner(1938)が最初である。その後,Ricci(1960)はこの疾患を遺伝形式により3型に分けた。
(1) Idiopathic retinoschisis in young persons with sex-linked recessive inheritance
A 23-year-old male and his 19-year-old sister, offsprings of consanguineous marriage of apparently normal parents, developed visual impairment and night blindness since adolescence. They showed fibrillar vitreous opacities, cystic macular degene-ration and atypical pigmentary retinopathies. Stereofunduscopy and slitlamp examination re-vealed the characteristic macular change to be due to a fibrous network intervening between the pre-retinal vitreous membrane and the retinal surface without causing true cystic formation. The observed fibrous network seemed to be in contact with the component of nerve fiber layer.

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