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閃輝性暗点症の原因は現在尚明らかではないが,最も広く支持されているものは,大脳の血管運動障碍説Charcotであらう。此の考えでは,前駆症状即ち暗点は,後頭葉の動脈がその血管運動障碍に依つて貧血を起す事に原因し,その後に起る頭痛は恐らく浮腫を伴う大脳及び脳膜の血管の充血であらうと云うのである。此の様にその原因を血管運動障碍に求めると,発作が一過性である事発作時に顔面が蒼白になつたり又逆に紅潮したりする事,更に稀ではあるが発作時に網膜中心血管が異常に拡張或は収縮する事の説明がつき易い。更にGraham and Wolf (1935)等は実験的に頭痛の強さと,血管の脈動の量との関係を見出したと謂う。
A case of scintillating scotoma with night blindness which appeared on a girl aged 24. She complained she had had an attack since a few years ago. At the beginning, the attackappeared every six months. However, recently it increased twice a week and was associ-ated with night blindness, but no change was ophthalmoscopically observed and visual acuity was normal.
The course of dark adaptation was affected by both cone and rod sections, namely Kohl-rausch's break lagged by 10 minutes in contrast with 5 minutes of the normal.

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