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Sjogren's syndromは1940年,Sjogrenによつて乾燥性角結膜炎,口内乾燥症,乾性鼻炎,喉頭炎,耳下腺の腫大と慢性多発性関節炎を有する症候群に対して命名されたものであるが,それ以前に於ても亦,以後に於ても,欧米では,本症について,多くの報告があり,多数例の統計的観察も見られるが,本邦では少数の報告を見るのみで,稀な疾患と考えられて居る様である。最近,私は本症の1例を診る機会を得て,症状,治療,病因に就て考察したので報告する。
The 36 yr. old female patient was presented. She has complained of visual disturbance, as-thenopia and has decreased lacrimals, extrem atrophy of lacrimal gland, dryness of conjunc-tiva, dryness of mouth, rhinopharyngo-laryngitis sicca and pain like multiple arthritis rheu-matica. Furthermore, accomodation disturbance, slight hypermetropia, pyorrhea, fall of teeth dysmenorroe, pulmonary infiltration, coldness of extremities, weak grip-strength eosinophilia lymphocytosis, increased B.S.R. and decreased capillary resistance were recognized. In the treatment, Vit.

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