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結核性眼疾患に対する全身的局所的化学療法は戦後各種の抗生物質が発見されるに及んで急速に発達した。殊に頑固な結核性虹彩毛様体炎は各種の局所療法にも拘らず,虹彩後癒着や瞳孔閉鎖,緑内障が起つて望洋の嘆を発せしめたものであるが,Streptomycin (略してSt.),PAS,Cortis-one,INAH.等の新薬の登場はかかる懼を極度に減少せしめて,愁眉を開かしめるに足るものがある。我々も最近,極めて頑固な滲出性線維素性虹彩毛様体炎に遭遇し,St.とPAS.の全身的併用療法が著効を奏した例を経験したので症例に追加する次第である。
One case of the exudative fibrinous iridocyclitis in both eyes which occured after psy-chical and somatic fatigue, was presented. In spit of the intra-bulbar injection of Cortison or topical administration of Atropin, Dionin or Ofura, the symptoms were aggravated byt were cured by the systemic administration of Streptomycin and P.A.S. (Streptomycin 30 gr. and P. A. S. 350gr.), It is said that the topical treatment is more effectiv against the tuberculous uveitis than the systemic treatment. However, when the topical treatment does not show beneficial influence, the systemic treatment should be tried considering the local symptoms.

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