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眼窩のRhabdomyosarcoma (横紋筋肉腫)は稀な悪性腫瘍であるとされてきたが1〜3),Horn& Enterline4),Porterfield & Zimmerman5),Ashton & Morgan6),Jones, Reese & Krout7)らの報告以来,報告例がしだいに増加し,眼窩横紋筋肉腫は必ずしも稀な腫瘍ではなく,小児の眼窩腫瘍のうちではもつとも多い腫瘍であるとされるようになつている。
The patient was a 17-year-old boy and first seen October 26, 1973 with the complaints of proptosis of his right eye and diplopia. At the time of initial examination no tumor was palp-able but the tumor became palpable in the upper nasal portion of the orbit within one month.
A biopsy specimen was taken by the Kron-lein-Berke approach and was sent to the Clinical Pathology Laboratory. Since the specimen was misdiagnosed as undifferentiated carcinoma of the lacrimal gland, radiation therapy using high energy X-ray apparatus Linac and chemothe-rapy using Endoxan and 5-FU were given pos-toperatively.

Copyright © 1976, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.