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味涙反射(gusto-lacrimal reflex)とは,食事のときに涙液分泌増加の起こる背理性の反射で,別名「わにの涙症候群」(the syndrome ofcrocodile tears)と呼称されている。この反射は,1913年Oppenheim, Engelenによつて最初に注目され,1924年,Bingがgusto-lacrimalrefiex (略称g.l.r.)なる名称を用いた。
1928年Bogoradは,本反射について詳細な報告をなし,the syndrome of cro—codile tearsなる名称を用い,今日,この両者が使用されているが,名称としては,gusto-lacrimal re—flexが適当とされている。
Four cases are reported in whom bilateral in-sufficiency of abduction of congenital origin was associated with enhanced gusto-lacrimal reflex. Both sexes were involved, of ages ranging from 3 to 5 years at the time of examination. The condi-tion was accompanied by congenital defects as deafness or external ear anomaly in two cases. Electromyographic studies conducted in one case indicated that abnormal innervation to the ho-rizontal muscles of supranuclear nature was primarily responsible for the clinically observed oculomotor anomaly.

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