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先天性鎌状網膜剥離Ablatio falciformis conge—nita (Weve)1)2)あるいは先天性網膜襞Congenitalretinal fold (Mann)3)4)については現在までに多数の報告がある。最近,私は,先天性鎌状網膜剥離(以下A・F・C.)と診断された2例および眼先天異常を有する2例,計4例の出現した一家系をみつけ,さらにそのA・F・C.の1例に硝子体出血の併発をみたのでここに報告する。
1) Two cases of ablatio falciformis congenita (Case 1 and Case 2) and other two cases of ocular congenital anomalies (Case 3 and Case 4) which appeared in a pedigree with consangineous marriages, were reported.
The 1st case with ablatio fal. cong., microphthalmus, nystagnus and strabismus diverg in both eyes is 7 years old boy, and was recently attacked by heamorhagia corporis vitrei in his right eye.
For the haemorhagia corporis vitrei subconjunctival injections of hyaluronidase were very effective.The 2nd case was 23 years old woman who had ablatio fal.

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