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要約 目的:チューブシャント手術後の白内障手術の術後経過の報告。対象と方法:対象はAhmed glaucoma valve術後に白内障手術を施行した10例10眼,平均年齢は57.0±13.2歳,緑内障の病型は,原発開放隅角緑内障が7眼,続発緑内障が3眼であった。結果:術前眼圧は平均17.9±4.7mmHg,術後眼圧は17.3±2.2mmHgであった。術後視力は全例で改善した。術中合併症は特になかった。白内障手術後に眼圧コントロールが不良となり,緑内障手術を施行した症例が4例あった。結論:チューブシャント手術後の白内障手術は,重篤な術中合併症がなく,通常の白内障手術と同様に実施できた。4眼で眼圧上昇のため緑内障手術を再施行した。
Abstract. Purpose:To report the outcome of cataract surgery in eyes implanted with glaucoma valve. Cases and Method:This retrospective study was made on 10 eyes of 10 cases who received cataract surgery in the past 25 months. The series comprised 8 males and 2 females. The age averaged 57 years. Seven eyes had primary open-angle glaucoma and three had secondary glaucoma. All the eyes had been implanted with Ahmed glaucoma valve before. Results:There was no major intraoperative complication. Intraocular pressure(IOP)averaged 17.9±4.7 mmHg before and 17.3±2.2 mmHg after cataract surgery. Visual acuity improved in all the eyes. Four eyes needed another surgical intervention for glaucoma. Conclusion:Cataract surgery could be performed without problem in eyes implanted with glaucoma valve before. Four out of ten eyes needed revision of previous surgery for glaucoma.
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