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要約 目的:多剤併用療法から配合剤点眼薬へ切り替え後の点眼アドヒアランスと眼圧の検討。対象と方法:多剤併用療法から配合剤点眼薬へ切り替えた高眼圧症または緑内障35例について,切り替え前後の点眼アドヒアランスと眼圧変化を検討した。結果:切り替え後,1か月間に点眼忘れが1回以上あった症例(点眼忘れあり群)が20例から12例に減少した。点眼忘れなし群では,切り替え後の平均眼圧が切り替え前と比較し有意(p=0.019)に上昇した。点眼忘れあり群では眼圧変化はなかった。結論:切り替えはアドヒアランス不良例を対象とすることが望ましいと考えられた。
Abstract. Purpose:To assess the efficacy of switching from concomitant therapy to fixed combination. Method:Thirty-five patients with ocular hypertension and glaucoma were enrolled into the study. We investigated the adherence of topical medication and intraocular pressure(IOP)in patients before and after switching. Results:After switching to fixed combination,patients with poor adherence decreased from 20 cases to 12 cases. In patients with fair adherence before switching,mean IOP was significantly higher after switching compared to that before switching(p=0.019). In patients with poor adherence before switching,there was no significant difference. Conclusion:These results show that fixed combination might be useful in patients with poor adherence.

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