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要約 目的:眼瞼の悪性腫瘍に対するHughes変法の記述と成績の報告。対象と方法:上または下眼瞼の50%以上の全層切除が必要と判断された12例を対象とした。男性と女性ともに6例で,年齢は60~92歳(平均73歳)である。上眼瞼が4例,下眼瞼が8例で,全例で生検が行われ,脂腺癌10例,基底細胞癌1例,粘表皮癌1例である。腫瘍を切除した後に,瞼板と結膜弁(Hughes flap)および周囲の眼瞼皮膚の伸展皮弁で眼瞼を再建した。4~5週後にflapを切り離し,瞼縁組織をトリミングした。結果:瞼板と結膜弁に血行不全が生じた例はなく,平均18.3か月の観察期間中に再発または転移はなかった。整容的にも良好な結果が得られた。結論:眼瞼の悪性腫瘍に対するHughes変法は,侵襲が小さく,合併症が少ない。下眼瞼だけでなく,上眼瞼の腫瘍にも応用できる。
Abstract. Purpose:To report the outcome of surgery for malignant eyelid tumor by modified Hughes procedure. Cases and Method:This study was made on 12 cases of eyelid malignancy that needed total resection of more than 50% of upper or lower eyelid. The series comprised 6 males and females each. The age ranged from 60 to 92 years,average 73 years. The tumor was located in the upper eyelid in 4 cases and in the lower eyelid in 8 eyes. After resection of the tumor,the defect is reconstructed by tarsoconjunctival flap,or Hughes flap,and by stretching the surrounding skin of the eyelid. The pedicle is divided after 4 or 5 weeks to create the eyelid margin. Results:No case developed ischemia or necrosis of tarsoconjunctival flap. There was no recurrence or metastasis during the follow-up for an average of 18.3 months. Functional and cosmetic outcome were satisfactory in all the cases. Conclusion:Modified Hughes procedure is less invasive and results in lesser complications for eyelid malignancy. It can be applied to tumor of the lower as well as upper eyelid.

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