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要約 目的:緑内障と糖尿病網膜症手帳の持参率の比較。対象と方法:年に数回受診する予定があり,手帳を所持していない患者424例を対象とした。緑内障患者は256名で平均年齢は68歳,糖尿病網膜症患者は168名で平均年齢は66歳である。これらの患者に緑内障手帳または糖尿病眼手帳を新規に交付し,その持参率を調査した。結果:手帳の持参率は,緑内障患者では1,536回の受診中1,346回(87.6%),糖尿病患者では831回中650回(78.2%)で,両群間に有意差があった(p<0.0001)。2,6,12か月後の持参率は,緑内障患者では65%,81%,88%,糖尿病患者では66%,90%,94%であり,受診回数とともに持参率が向上した。持参率が低い緑内障患者では点眼をしない回数が有意に増加した(p<0.0001)。結論:緑内障と糖尿病患者での手帳持参率は,病識の状態を反映している。
Abstract. Purpose:To compare the status of use of record booklet for glaucoma and diabetic retinopathy. Cases and Method:This study was made on 424 patients who were scheduled to be seen at a few months' interval. The series comprised 256 patients of glaucoma aged 68 years in average and 168 patients of diabetic retinopathy aged 66 years in average. Record booklet was handed to these patients. Its actual use was examined during the follow-up. Results:The booklet was shown at the follow-up by 87.6% of glaucoma patients and by 78.2% of diabetics. The difference was significant(p<0.0001). The rate of carrying the booklet increased after 2 until 12 months after the hand-out in both groups. Glaucoma patients who failed to carry the booklet showed significantly greater episodes of missing instillation of prescribed eyedrops(p<0.0001). Conclusion:Status of carrying the booklet reflects conscience of patients about glaucoma or diabetic retinopathy.

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