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要約 目的:未熟児網膜症の自験例の統計学的報告。対象と方法:2009年までの3年間に当院で診察した出生体重2,000g未満の新生児257症例を対象とし,未熟児網膜症の頻度と治療率,発症と治療に関係する重症化因子を検索した。結果:未熟児網膜症の発症は23.7%にあり,10.1%の症例が治療を必要とした。未熟児網膜症の発症例と非発症例との間には,在胎週数,出生体重,Apgarスコア1分値と5分値,脳室内出血につき,それぞれ有意差があった。結論:未熟児網膜症の発症と重症化には,網膜の未熟性とともに,脳血管の未熟性が関係していると推定される。
Abstract. Purpose:To present a statistical review of retinopathy of prematurity(ROP)seen in our institution. Cases and Method:This retrospective study was made on 257 newborn infants with birthweight below 2,000 g during 3 years through 2009. Particular attention was paid to the incidence of ROP,cases needing treatment,and factors related to occurrence and severity of ROP. Results:ROP developed in 23.7% and treatment was needed in 10.1% of cases. There were significant differences in gestational age,birthweight,1-minute and 5-minute Apgar score,and incidence of cerebral intraventricular hemorrhage between cases with and without ROP. Conclusion:The findings seem to show that immaturity of retinal and cerebral vessels are involved in the onset and severity of ROP.

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