

書誌情報 詳細検索 by 医中誌


Posterior ischemic optic neuropathy in a case of Churg-Strauss syndrome Kanji Hori 1 , Chiaki Furusawa 1 , Akira Murakami 1 1Dept of Ophthalmol,Juntendo Univ Sch of Med pp.1119-1123
Published Date 2009/7/15
DOI https://doi.org/10.11477/mf.1410102792
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Abstract. Background:Churg-Strauss syndrome is characterized by bronchial asthma,hypereosinophilia and generalized granulomatous vasculitis. Purpose:To report a case of this syndrome who developed posterior ischemic optic neuropathy(PION). Case:A 70-year-old woman presented with impaired vision in her right eye. She had had bronchial asthma 5 years before. Fever,cough and phlegm led to the diagnosis of Churg-Strauss syndrome 6 months before and treatment by peroral corticosteroid. Findings:Corrected visual acuity was 0.15 right and 0.8 left. Routine ophthalmological findings were inconspicuous. The right eye showed paracentral scotoma. She was diagnosed with PION. Pulsed corticosteroid treatment was futile. Visual acuity improved 13 weeks later following massive dosis of cyclophosphamide. Conclusion:Pulse therapy with cyclophosphamide was effective for PION with Churg-Strauss syndrome.

Copyright © 2009, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 1882-1308 印刷版ISSN 0370-5579 医学書院


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  • Churg-Strauss症候群の2例 轟 葉子 , 戸田 淨 , 薬丸 一洋 医学書院 臨床皮膚科
    48巻 11号 (1994年10月)
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  • Churg-Strauss症候群の2例 奥田 容子 , 新田 悠紀子 , 小池 文美香 , 大野 稔之 , 黒木 のぞみ , 倉橋 直子 , 池口 宏 , 峯村 信嘉 医学書院 臨床皮膚科
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