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要約 目的:原因不明の黄斑下滲出が生じた症例の報告。症例:33歳男性が7日前からの右眼の深部痛と霧視で受診した。生来健康であり,格別の疾患歴はなく,職業は海上自衛隊員であった。6週間前にウシの肝臓を生食していた。所見と経過:矯正視力は右30cm指数弁,左1.5であった。右眼に結膜と毛様充血,前部ぶどう膜炎の所見があり,黄斑下に出血と滲出を伴う黄白色の隆起性病変があった。3日間の抗真菌薬投与で病変が悪化し,アセチルスピラマイシンとプレドニゾロンの内服に切り替えた。2日後から黄斑下滲出の吸収がはじまり,初診から2週間後に網膜下液は消失し,前眼部の炎症はなくなった。5か月後に黄斑部の病変は瘢痕化し,0.1の視力を得た。ウイルス,トキソプラズマ,サルコイドーシス感染などを示す検査はすべて陰性であった。結論:初診時からトキソプラズマ感染が疑われ,抗トキソプラズマ薬の投与後に病状が急速に軽快したが,この可能性を支持する諸検査は得られなかった。
Abstract. Purpose:To report a case with idiopathic submacular exudation. Case:A 33-year-old male presented with pain and blurring in his right eye since 7 days before. He had no history of systemic or eye disease. He has been serving in the navy. He had eaten raw beef liver 6 weeks before. Findings and Clinical Course:His corrected visual acuity was counting fingers right and 1.5 left. His right eye showed hyperemia,signs of iritis,and submacular exudation with hemorrhage. The findings progressed during 3 days of treatment with antifungal agent. Switching to peroral acetylspiramycin and prednisolone was followed by decrease of submacular lesion 2 days later. Submacular exudation and iritis disappeared 2 weeks later. The macular lesion turned into scarring with visual acuity of 0.1 5 months later. Laboratory studies were negative suggesting viral infection,toxoplasmosis,or sarcoidosis. Conclusion:The present case showed signs suggesting ocular toxoplasmosis from the onset. No evidences were present to support this assumption,possibly because of rapid progression of the disease.

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