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要約 目的:当院における時間外眼科救急診療の統計的観察。対象と方法:2005年10月から1年間の時間外受診症例を対象とし,受診日,件数,地理的分布,主訴,診断名,処置,入院,緊急性の有無について診療録から調査した。結果:年間総受診件数は1,410件,曜日別の1日平均受診件数は,祝日13.3件,日曜7.5件,土曜4.3件,平日2.2件であった。89%は30km圏内からの受診であった。主訴は異物飛入が最も多く,疼痛,打撲の3つで7割を占めていた。入院件数は3.0%,手術件数は2.2%,緊急性の高い疾患は5.7%であった。結論:緊急性の高い疾患の割合は低く,1次医療と考えられる疾患であった救急患者が大部分を占めていた。
Abstract. Purpose:To report the status of the emergency service of a university hospital located in the rural area. Cases:This study was made on 1,410 patients who visited the emergency service for eye problems during 12 months through September 2006. Results:The series comprised 862 males and 548 females. The age averaged 34.4±21.2 years. Persons in the third decade were the most frequent. Persons aged 10 years or less were most frequent per population in the area. Their visit was most frequent from 9 to 12 a. m. on holidays. Eighty-nine percent of cases came within 30 km from the hospital. Foreign body was the most frequent at 29%, followed by ocular pain 20% and trauma 18%. The trauma involved the cornea or conjunctiva in the majority of cases. Conjunctivitis was the most frequent among nontraumatic cases. Surgery was performed on 31 cases(2.2%)and 42 cases(3.0%)were hospitalized. Only 80 cases(5.7%)needed emergency service. Conclusion:Most of cases did not actually need emergency treatment. Pain and anxiety appeared to be the chief motives.

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