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要約 目的:眼窩内異物が長期間経過後に腫瘤を形成した2症例を報告する。症例:症例は75歳の男性と80歳の女性で,1例では鉄片と推定される金属片が7か月,他の1例では転倒した際に入った多数の小さな木片が2か月,眼窩内に貯留した。異物の周囲に腫瘤が形成し,手術で異物を摘出し腫瘤は消失した。2例とも原因菌は検出されなかった。病理学的に腫瘤は炎症性肉芽腫であった。結論:眼窩内に長期間残留する異物が炎症性肉芽腫として腫瘤を形成することがある。
Abstract. Purpose:To report two cases who developed orbital tumor due to retained foreign body. Cases:One was a 75-year-old male who was injured by a piece of iron in the orbit. The other was a 80-year-old female who was injured by multiple small pieces of wood in the orbit while falling down. Orbital tumor developed after 7 and 2 months respectively. As intraoperative finding, the tumor had formed surrounding the foreign body in both cases. No causative microorganism was detected. Histopathologically, the tumor was identified as inflammatory granuloma. Conclusion:Retained foreign body in the orbit may result in tumor formation through inflammatory granulomatous reaction.
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