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要約 目的:非ステロイド性抗炎症薬(NSAID)による加療中に角膜融解と穿孔を起こした結合組織病患者2例の報告。症例:2例とも女性で,年齢はそれぞれ62歳と79歳である。1例には全身性エリテマトーデス,強皮症,多発性筋炎,Sjögren症候群を内容とする混合性結合組織病が30年前からあり,20年間プレドニゾロンを内服していた。4年前に白内障手術を両眼に受けた。2週前に帯状疱疹ならびにヘルペス性角膜虹彩炎と診断され,NSAIDであるチアプロフェン酸の内服を開始した。他の1例は関節リウマチが40年前からあり,5か月前からアセチルサリチル酸を内服していた。所見と経過:2症例とも片眼性の角膜穿孔が起こった。NSAIDの内服を中止し,1例では14日後,他の1例では10日後に角膜穿孔は上皮化し,前房が形成された。結論:NSAIDの内服により角膜融解と穿孔が起こる可能性がある。
Abstract. Purpose:To report 2 cases of collagen disease who developed corneal melting and perforation during peroral treatment with nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug(NSAID). Cases:Both were females aged 62 and 79 years respectively. One case had been diagnosed with mixed connective tissue disease with systemic lupus erythematosus, scleroderma, polymyositis, and Sjöegren syndrome 30 years before. She had been receiving peroral prednisolone since 20 years before. She had been diagnosed with herpes zoster and herpetic keratoiritis 2 weeks before followed by peral tiaprofenic acid. The other case had been diagnosed with rheumatic arthritis 40 years before and had been receiving acetylsalicylic acid for 5 months. Findings:Both cases developed unilateral corneal perforation. The perforation became epithelialized with formation of anterior chamber 14 and 10 days respectively after discontinuation of NSAID. Conclusion:There is a possibility that peroral NSAID may result in corneal melting and perforation.

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