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治療終結後1年以上経過した心因性視覚障害児20例に対し治療の予後について調査を行った。20例の内訳は男児2例,女児18例で,初診時の年齢は6~15歳であった。調査の主な方法は,自記式質問紙票調査で,14例から有効回答が得られた。従来型治療5例(女児5例)と,Structured Association Technique(SAT)による心理療法を受けた9例(女児8例,男児1例)である。再発は従来型治療群で5例中2例(40%)とSATによる心理療法群では9例中1例(11%)に認められた。SAT療法介入群での予後良好例は,介入で改善した特性不安,自己抑制度,自己価値感や情緒的支援認知度が良好な状態で維持されていた。再発例では,本人と親がストレスを蓄積させやすい心理特性を有していた。再発を防止するには,患児と重要他者への心理的介入を行うことが必要であると考えられた。
We surveyed the outcome of treatment for psychogenic visual disturbance in 20 children who has passed more than one year after termination of treatment. The series comprised 2 boys and 18girls. Their ages ranged from 6 to 15 years at the first visit. The survey was mainly conducted by questionnaire method. Positive response was obtained from 14 cases,including 5 cases(5girls)treated by conventional method and 9 cases(1 boy and 8girls)that received Structured Association Technique(SAT)therapy. Visual disturbance had recurred in 2 out of 5 cases(40%)and in 1 out of 9 cases(11%)respectively. Cases of favorable outcome following SAT therapy were characterized by significant decrease in anxiety,self-repression,and emotional dependency. Recurred cases and their parents were characterized by stress-prone psychic state. Mental intervention and counseling are essential in order to prevent recurrence of psychogenic visual disturbance.

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