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目的:強度近視での黄斑円孔に続発した網膜剝離に対する硝子体手術による治癒率と,残存硝子体皮質の除去範囲との関係の検索。対象と方法:18人18眼を対象とし,レトロスペクティブに検索した。女17人,男1人で,年齢は52~81歳(平均66歳)6眼が偽水晶体眼であった。屈折は-6D~-21D(平均-14D)であった。全18眼に後部ぶどう腫があった。Weiss ringが17眼(94%)にあった。網膜剝離の範囲はぶどう腫内が10眼,それ以上が8眼であった。全例にトリアムシノロンを併用した硝子体切除とガスタンポナーデを行った。後部硝子体剝離がある17眼中14眼で硝子体皮質が網膜前に検出された。この硝子体皮質に対して,4眼ではぶどう腫内のみ,8眼では耳側の中間周辺部まで,2眼では硝子体基底部まで剝離した。13眼で円孔周囲の小範囲の内境界膜剝離を行った。結果:初回の網膜復位は,ぶどう腫内のみ残存硝子体皮質を剝離した4眼中1眼(25%)と,より広い範囲を剝離した10眼中9眼(90%)および残存硝子体皮質のなかった3眼中2眼で得られた。光干渉断層計で,黄斑円孔は3眼で閉鎖した。結論:強度近視黄斑円孔網膜剝離では,術前にWeiss ringがあっても高率に網膜前の硝子体皮質の残存がある。硝子体手術にトリアムシノロンを併用し,残存硝子体皮質を中間周辺部以遠まで除去することで網膜復位率が向上する。
Purpose:To evaluate the outcome of vitreous surgery for retinal detachment secondary to myopic macular hole with or without extensive peeling of residual vitreous cortex. Cases and Method:Eighteen eyes of 18 patients were reviewed. One was male and 17 were females. The ages ranged from 52 to 81 years,average 66 years. The refraction ranged from-6D to-21D,average-14D. All the 18 eyes had posterior staphyloma. Weiss ring was present in 17 eyes. Retinal detachment was confined within the area of staphyloma in 10 eyes and extended farther in 8 eyes. All the 18 eyes received vitrectomy with gas tamponade. Intravitreal triamcinolone showed preretinal vitreous cortex in 14 out of 17 eyes that had Weiss ring. In these 14 eyes,residual vitreous cortex was removed within the area of staphyloma in 4 eyes,up to midperiphery in 8 eyes,and up to vitreous base in 2 eyes. Internal limiting membrane was peeled around the macular hole in 13 eyes. Results:Primary reattachment was obtained in 1 out of 4 eyes(25%)that received removal vitre-ous cortex within the area of staphyloma,and in 9 out of 10 eyes(90%)that received more extensive removal of vitreous cortex,and in 2 out of 3 eyes that had no residual vitreous cortex. Optical coherence tomography showed closure of macular hole in 3 eyes. Conclusion:There is a high incidence of residual vitreous cortex in eyes of retinal detachment with myopic macular hole in spite of presence of Weiss ring. Triamcinolone-assisted vitrectomy and extensive peeling of vitreous cortex improves the surgical outcome.

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