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5~10月の6か月間に細菌性結膜炎と診断した82例を検索した。年齢は71.3±13.7歳であった。採取した眼脂を培養し,得られた細菌を同定して薬剤感受性を検査した。72例(88%)から101株の細菌が検出された。Bacillus sp.が最も多く,菌単独陽性率が高く菌量が高いことから起炎菌であった可能性が高いと判断した。薬剤別感受性では,スルベニシリンナトリウム(SBPC),セフメノキシム(CMX),レボフロキサシン(LVFX),エリスロマイシン(EM)の順に感受性が高かった。以上の結果から,細菌性結膜炎に対する第一選択薬にはSBPCがよいと考える。
We evaluated 82 cases who were diagnosed as bacterial conjunctivitis during 6 months from May to October. Their ages averaged 71.3±13.7 years. Bacterial organisms cultured from eye discharge were identified and were assessed for drug sensitivity. Bacillus sp. was the most frequently isolated organism and showed the largest number of colonies. These features suggested that Bacillus sp. was the major cause of bacterial conjunctivitis. It was most sensitive to sulbenicillin sodium(SBPC),followed by cefmenoxime(CMX),levofloxacin(LVFX),and erythromycin(EM)in the descending order. The findings show that SBPC is the first drug of choice for bacterial conjunctivitis.

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