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外傷性前腕開放骨折後の遷延癒合に対して,血管柄付き腓骨頭移植(以下FVFHG)を行った.その結果,手関節機能の再建に成功した1例を経験したので報告する.症例は55歳の男性である.バイクで走行中に転倒して受傷し,当院に搬送された.右前腕開放骨折(AO23-C3,Gustilo Type IIIA)の診断で,受傷当日に創外固定を設置した.受傷5カ月の時点で,遷延癒合と診断した.FVFHGを用いた橈骨関節面の再建を施行した.術後15カ月の時点で,右手関節の可動域は掌屈30°,背屈40°,回内70°,回外40°であり,腓骨頭の骨折や圧壊も認めていない.
We report a case in which a free vascularized fibula head graft (FVFHG) was used for wrist reconstruction after infected delayed union. The patient was a 55-years-old male who was injured in a motorcycle accident. An open fracture of the right forearm was diagnosed, and we performed external fixation on the day of the injury. Five months later we made a diagnosis infected delayed union, and reconstructed the distal radial joint with a vascularized fibula head graft. Fifteen months after the final operation, the total range of the wrist joint was 70 degrees of flexion-extension and 110 degrees of supination-pronation. There have been no complications includings fractures or collapse of the fibula head graft.

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