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近年,MRIでTransient global amnesia(TGA)の画像所見が報告されているが,発症後1時間でMRIを行ったTGA症例を経験したので報告した。T1強調像やT2強調像では異常所見はなく,左側頭葉内側部,海馬にApparent diffusion coefficientの低下がみられ,Diffusion-weighted imageで高信号に描出された。17時間で症状は改善し,30日後にはこのMRI所見は消失しており,海馬の一過性の虚血が疑われた。
Transient global amesia (TGA) had been recognized as a disease without abnormal findings on neuroimag-ing before magnetic resonance (MRI) imaging was practicable. Recently, abnormal findings on MRI re-ported in cases of TGA. We here reported a case of TGA showing a transient abnormal intensity in lefthippocampus on MRI diffusion-weighted image. A 52-year-old man suddenly became to unable to keep his recent memory without histories of trauma or epi-lepsy. He showed no abnormal neurologic findings ex-cepting for the recent memory.

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