

書誌情報 詳細検索 by 医中誌


A Lesion Diagnosed by MRI in a Case of Transient Global Amnesia Takanori Inamura 1 , Kiyoshi Nakazaki 1 , Osamu Yasude 2 , Keiji Oi 2 , Takato Morioka 1 , Yasuhiko Nakamura 3 , Akira Nakamizo 1 , Satoshi Inoha 1 , Toshiyuki Amano 1 , Masashi Fukui 1 1Department of Neurosurgery, Graduate School of Medical Sciences, Kyushu University 2Emergency Service, Kyushu University Hospital 3Department of Radiology, Kyushu University Hospital Keyword: transient globar amnesia , apparent diffusion coefficient , diffusion-weighted image , cerebral ischemia pp.419-422
Published Date 2002/5/1
DOI https://doi.org/10.11477/mf.1406902139
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Transient global amesia (TGA) had been recognized as a disease without abnormal findings on neuroimag-ing before magnetic resonance (MRI) imaging was practicable. Recently, abnormal findings on MRI re-ported in cases of TGA. We here reported a case of TGA showing a transient abnormal intensity in lefthippocampus on MRI diffusion-weighted image. A 52-year-old man suddenly became to unable to keep his recent memory without histories of trauma or epi-lepsy. He showed no abnormal neurologic findings ex-cepting for the recent memory.

Copyright © 2002, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 2185-405X 印刷版ISSN 0006-8969 医学書院


