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症例は28歳,男性。17歳時アジソン病を指摘され,27歳時痙性・失調性歩行が出現,次第に増悪した。痙性対麻痺,両下肢の知覚異常,小脳失調,皮膚色素沈着と足変形がみられた。副腎皮質機能不全,血漿スフィンゴミエリン分画の極長鎖脂肪酸の増加が認められadrenoleukodystrophy(cerebello-brainstemdominant form)と診断した。頭部MRIでは小脳・橋の萎縮とT2強調像・proton密度像での錐体路の高信号がみられ,99mTc-HM PAO SPECTでは小脳の血流低下に加えMRIで明らかな異常のない両側大脳深部白質・前頭葉・頭頂葉にも血流低下がみられた。SPECT所見はMRIで描出できないsubclinicalな病態を反映している可能性がある。
We reported a 28-year-old man with adrenoleu kodystrophy showing neurological features of oliovo-pontocerebellar atrophy. He had a 11-year history of Addison's disease. ACTH stimulation produced no rise in the plasma cortisol level. The ratios of C 24 : 0/C 22 : 0, C 25 : 0/C 22 : 0, and C 26 : 0/C 22 : 0 in fatty acids of sphingomyelin from plasma were all increased. MRI showed the atrophy of brainstem and cerebellum and the abnormal hyperintense lesions of the bilateral pyramidal tracts in the brainstem and internal capsule. 99mTc - HM PAO SPECT showed hypoperfusion of the deep white matter, frontal lobes, temporal lobes, and cere-bellum. We suggest that SPECT may be useful for detection of subclinical lesions in ALD.

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