

書誌情報 詳細検索 by 医中誌


Circadian Rhythm Disturbance after Radiotherapy for Brain Tumor in Infantile Period : Clinical Effect of L-thyroxine and Vitamin B12 Masaya Kubota 1,3 , Masako Shinozaki 1 , Hideo Sasaki 2 1Department of Pediatrics, Metropolitan Medical Center for the Severely Handicapped 2The University of Tsukuba Keyword: circadian rhythm , sleep-wake rhythm , radiation therapy , thyroxine , vitaminB12 pp.759-763
Published Date 1993/8/1
DOI https://doi.org/10.11477/mf.1406900523
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We reported here 19-year-old man suffering from circadian sleep-wake (S-W) rhythm disturbance after total tumor resection and whole brain irradiation.

This 19-year-old man was diagnosed as having astrocytoma in the right temporal lobe by CT scan and angiography at the age of 6 months. After total tumor resection and whole brain irradiation (60Co 60 Gy), he showed profound psychomotor retarda-tion, endoclinologic dysfunction including hypothy-roidism and growth hormone deficiency, and sleep-wake rhythm disturbance. At the age of 19, brain MRI revealed asymmetrical low intensity in the hypothalamic region. On endoclinological examina-tion panhypopituitalism due to primary hypotha-lamic lesion was evident. His S-W rhythm was disturbed showing a dipersed type sleep, i.e., sleep periods were dispersedly distributed throughout the 24 hours. So he showed a lethargic tendency in the daytime. All-day polysomnography revealed abnor-mal sleep structure such as the absence of sleep spindle and hump, peripheral apnea, snoring and low oxygen saturation.

After L-thyroxine supplementation his daily activity improved gradually. The decrease in short time sleep and tendency of a free-running rhythm were observed and oxygen saturation improved remarkably. Peripheral apnea and snoring disappeared. This wakening effect of L-thyroxine administration may be due to improvement of hypothyroidism symptom such as myxoedematous pharynx. In addition, it seems related to the altera-tion of the central S-W rhythm regulation, becausefree-running rhythm appeared after L-thyroxine administration.

Vitamin B12 (VB12), which has been reported to be effective for sleep-wake rhythm disorders, was not effective for our patient's free-running rhythm. Compared with the patients responded to V B12, our patient's organic brain damage was more evident radiologically and endoclinologically. Following the hypothesis that VB12 has a potential to reinforce the entrainment of circadian rhythm, our patient's organic brain damage may include entrainment system.

Copyright © 1993, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 2185-405X 印刷版ISSN 0006-8969 医学書院


