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Mannitol投与直後の血行動態を知る目的で,日本ザルを用いたTranscranial Doppler(TC2-64)による測定から,頭蓋内循環動態の変化をCO2負荷におけるそれとを比較検討した。Manntiol投与群(n=8)において,中大脳動脈主幹部血流速度(MCA-FV),内頸動脈血流量(IC-BF)は,Mannitol投与後に有意に増加した(p<0.005,p<0.005)。しかし,Pulsatility index(PI)の変化に有意差はみられなかった。CO2負荷群(n=15)では,MCA-FV,IC-BFは有意な増加を示した(p<0.005,p<0.005)。また,PIも有意な低下を示した(p<0.005)。このことは頭蓋内圧亢進がなくautoregulationが正常と考えられる状態では,Mannitol投与後のviscosityの低下からCBFの増加をみるが,頭蓋内末梢の脳血管抵抗に変化はないことを示している。そしてPoiseuilleの法則からMannitol投与後早期には末梢血管のvasoconstrictionが存在していると示唆された。それは脳血管がもつautoregulationによるものと考えられた。
Hemodynamic changes immediately after the administration of mannitol were investigated in monkeys (Macaca Fuscata) using transcranial Doppler ultrasound (TC2-64) and were compared with those after CO2 loading. The CO2 loading group was hyperventilated to an end-tidal PCO2 of 36.5±2.21 and hypoventilated to an end-tidal PCO2 of 46.3 ±2.69. Mean flow velocity in the middle cerebralartery (MCA-FV), Pulsatility index (PI) and blood flow in the internal carotid artery (IC-BF) studies were performed twice before and after hypercap-nea. In the Mannitol group, Mannitol (2 g/kg) was infused at a rate 20 to 30 ml/min. MCA-FV, PI, IC -BF and intracranial pressure (ICP) studies were performed twice before administration and 10 min-utes after administration of Mannitol. In the Man-nitol group (n=8), MCA-FV and IC-BF and ICP increased significantly after administration of Man-nitol (p<0.005, p<0.005, p<0.025) , but there was no significant difference in the PI. In the CO2 loading group (n=15) , MCA-FV and IC-BF increasedsignificantly (both p<0.005) and PI decreased significantly (p<0.005). These results indicated that, in the presence of normal autoregulation without intracranial hypertension, there was no change in the resistance of the peripheral cerebral vessels, while a decrease in viscosity after adminis-tration of Mannitol caused an increase in cerebral blood flow. Hence, acording to Poiseuille's law, peripheral vasoconstriction occurred in the early period after administration of Mannitol. This change was considered to be due to autoregulation of the cerebral vessels.

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