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局所脳虚血急性期に対するアルカリ化剤の効果を,ネコ中大脳動脈閉塞モデルを用いて検討した。生食を投与したコントロール群では動脈血pHは徐々に低下したのに対し,0.3mol tris(hydroxymethyl)aminomethane(THAM)投与群,7%NaHCO3投与群では動脈血pHは生理的範囲内に維持された。虚血作成6時間後,虚血中心部にあたるectosylvian, suprasylvian gyrusの脳皮質水分量は,3群間で有意差は認められなかったが,虚血辺縁部のmarginal gyrusでは,THAM投与群で他2群に比し有意に水分量の増加が抑制された。6時間後の梗塞巣はTHAM投与群ではコントロール群に比し有意に縮小した。31P-MRSにより測定した虚血脳組織pHの検討では,各群とも高度なアシドーシスを示し,THAM投与群では改善傾向を示すものの有意差ではなかった。
Metabolic acidosis in cerebral ischemia is consid-ered deleterious to cell function and neurological outcome. Amelioration of systemic and focal cere-bral acidosis by an alkalizing agent may reduce ischemic brain damage. The effects of 0. 3mol tris (hydroxymethyl) aminomethane (THAM) and 7% NaHCO3 on focal cerebral ischemia produced by occlusion of the middle cerebral artery (MCA) in cats were examined. In thirty six adult cats, adjust-ment was made so that Pa02 and PaCO2 would be maintained within the normal range with mechani-cal ventilation and oxygen inhalation.Focal cere-bral ischemia was produced by coagulation of the left MCA using the transorbital approach. The animals were divided into 3 groups as follows. 1) The control group received continuous intravenous administration of physiological saline (2m1/kg/ hour). 2) The THAM group received continuous intravenous administration of O.3mol THAM (2m1/kg/hour). 3) The NaHCO3 group received continuous intravenous administration of 7% NaHCO3 (0.7m//kg/hour) +physiological saline (1.3m//kg/hour).

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